First step
Hello world! Gosh, I have my own website! URL and everything! Its a weird feeling, if I’m honest. Two afternoons of work, lots of reading and re-reading, and still not a whole lot to show for it. For context, The site was officially “Up” a couple days ago, but only now am I getting around to cleaning out all the placeholder info. Honestly, I still feel hesitant touching anything… I may understand roughly whats going on, but the nitty gritty? Forget it. Trying to go in with a mindset of “Backup often, Break things, Learn as you go.”.
Still planning out how I want things to look and be organised around here. Having that battle of “That would be cool!” and “How the heck do you even begin to do that…”. Hopefully I’ll strike a balance somewhere along the line. For now though, I’m just trying to get everything looking nice.
Alright, that should do it. Got a few more pages to get to, so I’ll save some characters for them. For posterity’s sake (and that I’m a bit of a data hoarder…), here’s a copy of the two placeholder posts. Necessary? absolutely not. But I would feel bad just deleting them.
See ya! ~Calobbes
Placeholder 1 - test:
So! here we are. Fiddling and tinkering with powers beyond my comprehension. Honestly, not sure what I even want out of this, but its something at least.
Placeholder 2 - another:
Behold! A second post… This way we can test a few mechanics of the tutorial.